Location Information

  • Mercy Fairfield HealthPlex
  • 3050 Mack Rd., Fairfield, OH, 45014 US

Overview: Trauma Nursing Core Course

The Emergency Nurses Association developed and implemented the Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) for national and international dissemination as a means of identifying a standardized body of trauma nursing knowledge. The TNCC (Provider) course is designed to provide the learner with cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills. Nurses with limited emergency nursing clinical experience, who work in a hospital with limited access to trauma patients, or who need greater time at the psychomotor skill stations, are encouraged to attend course. The course empowers nurses with the knowledge, critical thinking skills and hands-on training to provide expert care for trauma patients.

Registration Ticket Options

  • 2 days of (in-person) instructor-led class, skills testing, and an online post-course exam. This version requires the completion of pre-course modules. Attendees will receive a 4-year verification. 18.25 CE.
    Ideal for first time TNCC attendees and RNs who are looking for an in-depth trauma refresher course.

  • Includes skills station testing and online exam ONLY. No pre-course modules required. Does not include review of key concepts prior to testing. Attendees will receive a 4-year verification. 3 CE.
    Ideal for RNs with previous TNCC experience interested in renewing their certification. MUST be comfortable with self-study.

Attendee Information

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